Flying adventure Northeast Brazil
With our roll-off winches in stages through the Sertao; pure adventure, a travel and flight expedition of the highest class. With our experienced winch team we cross the northeast of Brazil. We follow the direction of the wind, the course of the Rio Sao Francisco and the cloud streets.
Completely flexible and detached from fixed starting points, we cross the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte to the green Maranhão in several days. Our destination can always be the next starting point.
Es ist auch möglich, dass unser Weg an einem Rekordgebiet vorbeiführt, wo zu weiten Flügen gestartet wird. Am Ende der Reise besuchen wir die Küste, um an den atlantischen Traumstränden zu fliegen und den brasilianischen Lifestyle zu geniessen. Wie immer bieten wir maximale Flexibilität, ganz nach dem Motto ‘zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort’.
If you want to take advantage of the excellent XC conditions in the Sertao and enjoy the incredibly beautiful atmosphere during a sunset from the air, if you have the necessary amount of pioneering and adventurous spirit and are open to new things, then you can set off through this still very original and welcoming part of Brazil. Até já.
flight instructor
- Andy Flühlerflight instructor and owner
Traveling with Andy is an experience. You can always feel the joy of flying with him, discovering new things and experiencing adventures.
SHV/DHV flight instructor paragliding and delta
lic. Bi-place pilot
PPL/UL Pilot“Everyone should do what they do best!”
True to his motto “Everyone should do what they do best!” Andy made his love of travel his profession early on. Andy finds his way around anywhere in the world like no other. His enormous wealth of experience as a pilot, flight instructor (since 1989), tour guide and entrepreneur enables him to quickly identify the needs and wishes of fellow travelers and to look after and support each individual individually. Traveling with Andy is an experience. You can always feel his joy when he discovers something new or strange adventures await him and his group.
Andy Flühler
Getting there
Own arrival. Meeting point: Airport or hotel in Recife on October 27th, 2025 until noon and transfer to the starting point. Return flight on November 8th, 2025 from Fortaleza from noon. Flight advice and booking assistance available through Flywithandy.
Combi Info
This trip can be combined with the trips listed below.
Local drives
All local trips in rental cars/jeeps.
Typical local guesthouses or hotels, double room incl. breakfast. Single room bookable for an extra charge.
SHV Pilot or IPPI 5. Safe glider control in strong conditions. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us.
Our guides all speak good English and will be happy to translate all the information for you. However, the main language of the tour is usually German.
Inclusive services
Accomodation in a double room incl. Breakfast, all winch towing, retrieve service, transport and fuel, transfers from Recife to the starting point and from the end of the trip to Fortaleza, provision of live tracking for your safety, support and organization.
Not included
Flight/airport taxes, domestic flight if necessary, insurance, dinner.