North Macedonia XC 1


05. - 12.07.2025
CHF 1'790.00

Tactics, thermals and XC

More than 10 years ago we found Kruševo in the southeast of North Macedonia to be the perfect place for cross-country flying and we learned to appreciate it more than anything. The fantastic flying arena offers optimal conditions not only for the pros who fly there in competitions, but especially for XC beginners. Along gentle hills and over the perfectly flat plains, with landing spots as far as the eye can see, you can embark on your personal cross-country flight adventures without worry.

The morning always starts with a detailed debriefing of the previous day. Basic cross-country flight rules and concepts are taught in a practical way using concrete flight situations. We then analyze the weather situation for the current day and plan one or more flight tasks together.

Then we go up the mountain and try to implement what we have planned together. We are in contact via radio. The flying guides can pass on important information to you, for example on flight tactics or weather developments.

In the evening we end the day with cool drinks and hearty Macedonian food.

flight instructors

  • Andy Flühler
    Andy Flühler
    flight instructor and owner

    Traveling with Andy is an experience. You can always feel the joy of flying with him, discovering new things and experiencing adventures.

    SHV/DHV flight instructor paragliding and delta
    lic. Bi-place pilot
    PPL/UL Pilot

    “Everyone should do what they do best!”

    True to his motto “Everyone should do what they do best!” Andy made his love of travel his profession early on. Andy finds his way around anywhere in the world like no other. His enormous wealth of experience as a pilot, flight instructor (since 1989), tour guide and entrepreneur enables him to quickly identify the needs and wishes of fellow travelers and to look after and support each individual individually. Traveling with Andy is an experience. You can always feel his joy when he discovers something new or strange adventures await him and his group.

  • Dominic Rohner
    Dominic Rohner
    Flight instructor and owner

    As an experienced flight instructor, passionate XC pilot and globetrotter, Dominic ensures that you are in the right place at the right time thanks to his flying and organizational expertise. He is happy to share his knowledge and experience with everyone.

    SHV Flight Instructor
    Liz. Biplace Pilot
    XC Genius
    Competition pilot

Tour guide
Dominic Rohner, Andy Flühler

Getting there
Zurich – Skopje – Zurich or from the appropriate German airport near you.

Combi info
This tour can be combined with the trips listed below. When booking an additional trip, it is booked without the flight. Please deselect arrival option.

Local drives
All local trips in FlywithAndy bus and rental bus.

Hotels, double room incl. breakfast. Single rooms are limited.

SHV/DHV Pilot or IPPI 4‭.

The main language of the training camps is German. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a comprehensive translation here.

Included services
Flight / airport taxes, accommodation in double room incl. Breakfast, briefings, theoretical input, transport and fuel, retrieve service, provision of live tracking for your safety, support and organization.

Not included
Insurance, dinner.


Possible combination trips

Road trip Balkans
North Macedonia XC 2
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